the theory of graphs中文什么意思

发音:   用"the theory of graphs"造句
  • theory:    n. 1.理论,学理,原理。 2.学 ...
  • graph:     graph3 n. 【语 ...
  • graphs:    统计图形
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  1. The theory of graphs can be roughly partitioned into two branches : the areas of undirected graphs and directed graphs ( digraphs )
  2. Based on the research and analysis of information of assembly of product , semantic of assembly is divided into four types in order that assembly mode is expressed briefly and definitely . assembly mode of product is described through graph of assembly semantic by the way of the theory of graph


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  6. the theory of innate genius 什么意思
  7. the theory of knowledge 什么意思
  8. the theory of monetary approach 什么意思
  9. the theory of moral sentiments 什么意思
  10. the theory of operations management 什么意思


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